The purpose of The Crawford Crew’s 5K is to Raise Awareness of HPV-Related Cancers and to support families in need of health and wellness support. Each year in the U.S., an estimated 26,000 new cancers are attributed to HPV, which is associated with 6 types of cancer. Strength in Colors (SIC) will bring awareness to the 6 cancers and the ribbon colors that represent each of them. At SIC you can gather educational materials, ask questions of Physicians, Nurses, and other parents plus you can support families in Ohio communities.
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[c-row class=”hight-light” color=”#CFCDCD”]Strength in Colors Virtual 5k[/c-row]
[c-row]$30 on Race Day[/c-row]
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[timeline_item title=”August 14th” text=”Race Window Opens”]
[timeline_item title=”August 16th” text=”Race Window Closes”]
[timeline_item title=”August 17th” text=”Results Upload Portal Closes”]
[button id=”button_70″ size=”small” link=”” icon=”icon-info” text_color=”#0d4559″ bg_color=”#0d4559″ text_color_hover=”#ffffff” bg_color_hover=”#0d4559″]Race Website[/button]
Race registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable.